Living a Brave & Blissful Life –
Group courses
Introducing the concept of mindfulness via formal & informal meditation & being able to apply these principles to everyday life to empower people to learn to live meaningful, purposeful & enjoyable lives.
Contrary to popular belief, mindfulness is not about “clearing the mind”, this is impossible to do – as the mind will continue to work 24/7, even when we are asleep. Instead, it’s about learning presence. Noticing, allowing, understanding & accepting our thoughts, feelings & sensations.
When we learn to do this, we are able to understand how we can become less reactive & critical of ourselves. Instead, we become more compassionate & responsive to others as well as the world around us. Thereby reducing our own mental suffering & increasing experiences of peace, calm, joy and deep, abiding happiness.
Developing mindfulness as a daily practice is scientifically proven to foster well-being, reduce anxiety & depression & to empower people to feel more agency in their lives.
Mindfulness Meditation & Relaxation Classes
You’re right, it is all about you!
Are you struggling with an overactive mind or juggling all the family/ relationship/ work/ tasks/ situation balls that demand attention, leaving you frazzled, exhausted, grumpy, tearful & drained; with no time in the day to look after yourself?
What if I told you Life isn’t meant to be this hard? That we’re actually meant to enjoy ourselves? We are meant to be happy- does that seem impossible to you?
I invite you to invest some time to explore other ways of being by learning self awareness.
Taking time to listen to our thoughts, feelings & bodies, teaches us so much about how we’re showing up in life- for ourselves and those closest to us, as well as the wider community. Letting go of whatever is holding you back, leaves room for creativity, resourcefulness, productivity and a greater sense of purpose & meaning in our lives. Calm, peace & joy can all be yours.
As Henry Ford said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”.
It’s already almost March, is this the year, you’ll choose you?
Classes start Thursday March 6th at 151 Gala Street, Invercargill.
- simple, enjoyable Yin yoga stretching
- discussion of a self awareness topic
- insight meditation to explore the topic
- relaxation focussing on breathing after meditating
- Full instructions will be given. These classes are suitable for anyone- whether you’ve done yoga and meditated before or not
Each class stands alone but will build on the one before so you can pay as you attend.
Each session will be from 6.15pm- 8pm; please arrive early to get settled, classes start at 6.30pm
You will need- comfy non restrictive clothing, a cushion & a yoga mat. You may also like to bring a journal & a pen.
$40/ session cash or bank transfer please
Space is limited to a small group, so please register before March 4th
Sally by text 0211316656 or email [email protected]
About this course
This course is also available to be tailor-made to fit the needs of community groups, organisations & businesses, & will be available online soon.
People employed in healthcare & community service can benefit hugely from learning the art of mindfulness and self-care.
We are more able to help others when we feel whole, fully alive and awake to the present moment.
Please contact Sally to discuss how to join a group or create a course specifically for your organisation or workplace. Discounted rates are available for all healthcare workers.
Contact SallyAbout this course
A six week, course of interactive, fun and engaging workshops. Each session is 2.5 hours and covers two main life topics viewed with a mindfulness approach.
Together we will explore the topics so participants have resources to create change & personalised intentions, which with practice & commitment have the potential to bring about freedom from stress, worry, anxiety & depression. Replacing these states with fulfilment, gratitude, joy & peace.
When we apply principles of mindfulness to the areas of our lives that are causing us to be unhappy, the way we experience our lives changes.
Each session builds on the previous one, so attendance is recommended for the whole course to maximise learning & growth.
- Week 1: Health & Physical Activity
- Week 2: Purposeful Nutrition & Home Environment
- Week 3: Relationships, Rest & Sleep
- Week 4: Joy & Creativity
- Week 5: Faith/spirituality & Lifelong learning
- Week 6: Living a life of purpose & our Relationship to money
Being part of a small group of other people who are experiencing similar issues is very helpful because when we see we are not alone we can experience a greater sense of perspective and detachment from the issue itself- it becomes less overwhelming and the group power is encouraging and inspiring, supporting you to make any changes that align with your deepest desires, hopes & dreams.
The next class will begin on April 29th & run for 6 consecutive weeks.
Please contact me with any questions, we look forward to having you join us!